
Hey You – Update Your Passwords and Start Using a Password Tool (it’s way easier than writing them down!)

Hey You – Update Your Passwords and Start Using a Password Tool (it’s way easier than writing them down!)

I’ve known friends and family who have had their email account, social media account, bank account, online identity and numerous other things hacked because of a terrible password or a poorly timed “click here” link on social media. Or I’ve been helping friends and family with their technology and when they need their password to […]

Asustor Flashstor FS6712X 12 Bay Storage NAS Hands-On using TrueNAS Scale with VMware ESXi 8.0

I recently “upgraded” my aging storage environment in my home lab with an all-flash Asustor Flashstor 12 Pro with 12 x 2TB NVMe M.2 Drives, with upgraded RAM to 16 GB, running TrueNAS Scale v22.12.3.3. Just an FYI, everything is connected at 10Gb, unless otherwise noted. Here’s a few of my thoughts so far:

Adding a Static DNS Entry into the Ubiquiti UniFi Dream Machine Pro

JUNE 2023 UPDATE: You can now enter static DNS entries under the “Client” settings in UniFi OS v3.0.20 (or above). Leaving Original Post Below for Reference: Something I ran into today on my home network, with the Ubiquiti UniFi Dream Machine Pro, is that you can’t add a static DNS entry into the Dream Machine […]

How-to Make an iframe Responsive Using HTML Code

Sometimes you need to embed another website into the site you are using and a typical way of doing this is by using an <iframe>. However for modern websites, typically an iframe is not responsive. By using the code below, you can still embed an iframe into your site and make it responsive. Here is […]

Installing Google Cloud CLI via Homebrew on MacOS

This will install the following components: BigQuery Command Line Tool BigQuery Command Line Tool (Platform Specific) Cloud Storage Command Line Tool Cloud Storage Command Line Tool (Platform Specific) Google Cloud CLI Core Libraries (Platform Specific) Google Cloud CRC32C Hash Tool anthoscli gcloud cli dependencies

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