Easy Commands to Show BIOS and BMC Firmware Versions for All Hosts in the Nutanix Cluster
# Shows BMC/IPMI version for all hosts in cluster- Run from one CVM in cluster
for i in `hostips`; do echo AHV HOST $i ; ssh root@$i 'ipmitool bmc info |head |grep Firmware' 2>/dev/null ; done
# Shows BIOS version for all hosts in cluster – run from one CVM in cluster
for i in `hostips`; do echo AHV HOST $i ; ssh root@$i 'dmidecode | head | grep Version' 2>/dev/null ; done
I needed to get the same information, but found this to be more direct:
[root@server~] # sudo dmidecode -s baseboard-product-name
[root@server ~] # sudo dmidecode -s bios-version
Thanks Andres – my command above provides the output for *all* hosts in the cluster, not just one, thus why the command is a little more complex.
Use pdsh. It’s the only way to go.
Thanks Larry – although pdsh isn’t installed on the Nutanix CVM, nor can it be installed as they do not allow any non-Nutanix software packages to be installed.
That’s unfortunate.