EMC – How to Start Analyzer in Unisphere

This lesson shows how to start EMC analyzer within Unisphere.

Log into Unisphere, Select the System

The IP of the CLARiiON storage processor (SP) must be used to initiate/start Unisphere.

Select the S/N needed from the list (if more then one is managed by Unisphere).

Enable Statistics Logging

Go to the properties of the VNX/CLARiiON and enable the Statistic Data logging.

From "Monitoring" select Analyzer and then Select "Performance Data Logging."

In the "Data Logging" screen adjust settings as needed and start the Analyzer collection by Selecting Start. I would recommend collecting data for at least 7 days.

Confirm that you wish to continue and apply changes by clicking “YES” on the next three screens.

Once completed, wait the allotted time, specified above, and then follow the below steps to collect the statistic data.

Retrieving NAR Files (Statistic Data) for VNX from the GUI / Unisphere

Login to the Unisphere console

Select the array you want to collect data from.

Click on the “System” tab, then click on “Monitoring and Alerts”

Click on “Statistics for Block”

On the right, click on “Retrieve Archive”.

In the Retrieve Archives window, select your array and choose SPA. (NAR files are ONLY needed for ONE of the SP’s)

Change the “Save File(s) As:” destination to a location that is easy to locate.

Highlight the .NAR or .NAZ (if encrypted) files that correspond to the timeframe you collected data for. The time may be off a little but this will not matter. There will probably be 10-15 files total.

Click the “Retreive” button.

Click “YES” to confirm the retrieval in the “Confirm: Retrieve Archives” window.

At the bottom of the “Retrieve Archives” window verify that the files complete – this may take a few seconds.

Click “Done”

Send Files

Go to the destination folder where you retrieved the files to.

Zip the files and upload to EMC or to your EMC Reseller as instructed.

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