Forget Dropbox – Use Zumodrive for Online Storage!
I posted awhile back about DropBox which allows you to store things online while having a local “drive” on your computer to use. Here’s a link to that post:
Well, forget Dropbox! Nothing against them as it worked well, however I now use! It basically has all the features of Dropbox (creates a “local drive” on your PC, can use for backup, keeps a local copy if you want it to, etc) and works great on my Mac, but I’ve also installed on a Windows PC and synced files between the two without any problems. The sync seems very intelligent and “just works”. I also like how you can share files out to anyone by creating a link you can email. You can also share files to other ZumoDrive users, without it affecting their space under their account (unlike DropBox where sharing affects both users space) which is great if you have to work on a project or something with someone, but you don’t need to give them your ZumoDrive login.. just create their own account and share what you want with them.
Hope it helps!
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