Nutanix Prism – Change or Disable Logout Timeout Setting

You can now set or disable the timeout for Prism within the GUI with NOS 4.1.3, which is now available via one-click upgrade.

Prism Web Console/Prism Central

You can set a timeout value after which you are automatically logged out of the Prism or Prism Central web console. This setting prevents you from being automatically logged out after 15 minutes of inactivity. See “Modifying UI Settings” in the Web Console Guide, found here:


  1. In the main menu, select UI Settings from the gear icon pull-down list on the right (see Main Menu Options). The UI Settings window appears.
    Figure: UI Settings Window

    displays the window for setting an idle logout value and for disabling the login background animation
  2. To disable the login page background animation, uncheck the Enable animation at login page box (or check it to enable).
  3. To configure automatic logout, do the following in the Automatically log out when idle for more than <number> minutes field:
    • To disable automatic logout, uncheck this box (or check it to enable).
    • To reset the timeout interval, enter the desired number of minutes in the<number> box. The number can be any positive integer.
    Note: Automatic logout cannot be disabled for an administrator (admin user), and the timeout internal for an administrator cannot be set for longer than 60 minutes.
  4. Click the Close button to close the window.

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