Outlook 2007 versus Entourage 2008
I do like Entourage 2008. It has a “Mac Feel” to it which fits in nice with other programs. It’s very easy to use. I also like that you don’t have to VPN into work in order to use mail, as it can use your OWA (Outlook Web Access) connection and credentials. Just use “mail.yourcompany.com” as the server you connect to (or whatever your OWA site is).
What I don’t like about it, is viewing calendars! At work, we have shared calendars (through Exchange) for our group. If I need to view another persons calendar or a group calendar, unfortunately Entourage lacks in that area. It does work, just looks horrible. Especially when compared to Outlook 2007. Outlook 2007 allows you to even “overlay” other calendars onto your own so you can easily see available times between both or even several calendars.
So unfortunately I’ve started using Outlook 2007 inside a Windows XP Virtual Machine (powered by VMware Fusion) on my Mac (which I must say is just awesome). Windows XP runs great inside the Virtual Machine and is quite “snappy”. Definitely the best of both worlds!
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