I do like Entourage 2008. It has a “Mac Feel” to it which fits in nice with other programs. It’s very easy to use. I also like that you don’t have to VPN into work in order to use mail, as it can use your OWA (Outlook Web Access) connection and credentials. Just use “mail.yourcompany.com” […]
Entourage: Put Signature on Most Recent Reply Email
I’m still learning Microsoft Entourage for the Mac and I’m still liking it. The main thing is that it is a little different than Outlook and to keep that in mind while I find things that just aren’t “Outlookish”. But usually a quick Google search will find the answer to whatever question arises. One of […]
Nice Wallpaper Sites
I started looking for Mac Wallpapers, then got sidetracked on “Windows 7” (codename for new Windows version that will follow Vista) and wallpapers for it, and then found these sites which have some nice Mac wallpapers: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/60-most-beautiful-apple-mac-os-x-leopard-wallpapers/ http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/30-nicest-apple-macos-and-ipod-wallpapers/ I also saw on the same site so Dual Screen wallpapers, which are pretty nice too: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/70-beautiful-dual-monitors-desktop-wallpapers/ […]
Treo 755p Error with Exchange
I have a Palm Treo 755p with Sprint service. It was setup with my work email and a couple of IMAP personal accounts. I then started to get the error “SSL Error: No trusted root. Update certificate authority list.” Then if you click on “details” on the error, it says AirSAMStateMachine.c 1913 14721 I remember having […]
I’m a Mac… and I’m a PC
I found this post over at Market Circle’s Blog, who are the creators of my current favorite Mac program called Billings 3. It is an awesome time billing and invoicing program for the Mac, and at a great price. I use it for sending invoices for any consulting that I do. Here’s a snippet from […]
Replacing Dependency on WinXP with Mac Software!
The more and more I use my new Mac, the more software I seem to find that replaces the software that I was using on WinXP that I thought I could never live without. Here’s a few of them: – 1Password = I was an avid user of Roboform to help autofill my web passwords and web […]
Start of Blog – Received new Mac!
Well, who would have thought. Especially after years of being a “PC user”, I’m now a Mac user. I received my MacBook Pro today that I bought off of ebay. So far its awesome. It is amazing how well things work on the mac, especially peripherals that on a PC would normally require drivers, installation, etc. For example, I […]