Start of Blog – Received new Mac!
Well, who would have thought. Especially after years of being a “PC user”, I’m now a Mac user. I received my MacBook Pro today that I bought off of ebay. So far its awesome. It is amazing how well things work on the mac, especially peripherals that on a PC would normally require drivers, installation, etc. For example, I have a Microsoft Wireless Presenter mouse. It’s a great mouse. I plugged in the mouse receiver into my new MacBook Pro and just like that it started working. All features of the mouse work without having to install any software. Same goes for my external USB drive. Plugged it in, and there it is. It even asks if I want to use the external drive for my Time Machine backup (Mac’s built in backup feature).
There will most likely be a learning curve, however I’m also installing VMware Fusion which will let me run Windows XP on the Mac in case I need it (for programs or whatever). I’ll let you know how it goes!
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