Using PowerShell to Gather Quick and Easy ESXi Host Level Performance and Datastore Information
Many times when working with customers, we need to gather some quick specs around their existing environment to begin a sizing conversation. While there are many tools out there where you can let them run and capture the data over a period of time (eg: Dell’s DPACK Utility for an example), I needed something that a customer could run and capture some high-level performance information that’s already been collected in vCenter.
The script below can be used for that purpose. Just copy/paste into a new PowerShell script, edit the variables as needed, and then run. Three CSV files will be created in the output directory, which you can then open in excel, consolidate, make pivot tables, or whatever you’d like.
In the future, I hope to add more functionality to the script to collect additional information, consolidate the output into one file and a few other tweaks as time allows. Hope it’s helpful! 🙂
# AUTHOR # Dennis Laube - - # # NAME # gather-vm-perf-stats.ps1 # # SYNOPSIS # Gathers ESXi Host CPU and RAM performance summaries and datastore summaries # # SYNTAX # C:\scriptlocation\gather-vm-perf-stats.ps1 # # DESCRIPTION # Will collect the CPU and RAM performance summaries listed by ESXi host along with a summary for all datastores. Output will be saved to 3 CSV files. # CSV files collected: # "gather-host-perf-stats.csv" = Overview of each host with CPU and RAM usage info # "gather-host-perf-stats-datastores.csv" = Overview of all datastores including usage info # "gather-host-perf-stats-hosthw.csv" = Overview of the hardware in each host, namely CPU type / Mhz / RAM installed # # REMARKS # If you don't have VMware Powershell Cmdlets installed, follow this article to install: # # # vCenter needs to have "Statistics Level 2" enabled in order for the below to work # This can be enabled via the vSphere Client -> Administration -> vCenter Server Settings -> Statistics, and make # sure "Level 2" is under "Statistics Level" column # # Adapted from Original CPU-RAM script: # Adapted Original Datastore Script provided by # Thanks to LucD for a wealth of helpful blog posts at # # Main Variables (Edit As Needed) # # Enter the IP Address of your vCenter Server $vcenter = "" # Enter the Domain Login information for your vCenter Server $vcuser = "administrator@vsphere.local" # Enter the password for the user above $vcpwd = "Nutanix/4u" # The final CSV file will be placed in this location (Default is directory called "Scripts" under C:) $scriptlocation = "C:\Scripts" ##################################### ## No need to edit beyond this point ##################################### # Connect to VC Connect-VIServer $vcenter -User $vcuser -Password $vcpwd -ea silentlycontinue -WarningAction 0 # Add PowerCLI Snapin - not needed unless scheduling this script #Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core # Get Host hardware information Get-VMHost |Sort Name |Get-View | Select Name, @{N=“Type“;E={$_.Hardware.SystemInfo.Vendor+ “ “ + $_.Hardware.SystemInfo.Model}}, @{N=“CPU“;E={“PROC:“ + $_.Hardware.CpuInfo.NumCpuPackages + “ CORES:“ + $_.Hardware.CpuInfo.NumCpuCores + “ MHZ: “ + [math]::round($_.Hardware.CpuInfo.Hz / 1000000, 0)}}, @{N=“MEM“;E={“” + [math]::round($_.Hardware.MemorySize / 1GB, 0) + “ GB“}} | Export-Csv $scriptlocation\gather-host-perf-stats-hosthw.csv -noTypeInformation # Get CPU and RAM detailed info and usage per host $allhosts = @() $hosts = Get-VMHost foreach($vmHost in $hosts){ $hoststat = "" | Select HostName, MemoryInstalled, MemoryAllocated, MemoryConsumed, MemoryUsage, CPUMax, CPUAvg, CPUMin $hoststat.HostName = $ $statcpu = Get-Stat -Entity ($vmHost)-start (get-date).AddDays(-30) -Finish (Get-Date)-MaxSamples 10000 -stat cpu.usage.average $statmemconsumed = Get-Stat -Entity ($vmHost)-start (get-date).AddDays(-30) -Finish (Get-Date)-MaxSamples 10000 -stat mem.consumed.average $statmemusage = Get-Stat -Entity ($vmHost)-start (get-date).AddDays(-30) -Finish (Get-Date)-MaxSamples 10000 -stat mem.usage.average $statmemallocated = Get-VMhost $ | Select @{N="allocated";E={$_ | Get-VM | %{$_.MemoryGB} | Measure-Object -Sum | Select -ExpandProperty Sum}} $statmeminstalled = Get-VMHost $ | select MemoryTotalGB $statmeminstalled = $statmeminstalled.MemoryTotalGB $cpu = $statcpu | Measure-Object -Property value -Average -Maximum -Minimum $memconsumed = $statmemconsumed | Measure-Object -Property value -Average $memusage = $statmemusage | Measure-Object -Property value -Average $CPUMax = "{0:N0}" -f ($cpu.Maximum) $CPUAvg = "{0:N0}" -f ($cpu.Average) $CPUMin = "{0:N0}" -f ($cpu.Minimum) $allocated = "{0:N0}" -f ($statmemallocated.allocated) $consumed = "{0:N0}" -f ($memconsumed.Average/1024/1024) $usage = "{0:P0}" -f ($memusage.Average/100) $installed = "{0:N0}" -f ($statmeminstalled) $CPUMax = $CPUMax.ToString() + " %" $CPUAvg = $CPUAvg.ToString() + " %" $CPUMin = $CPUMin.ToString() + " %" $MemoryInstalled = $installed.ToString() + " GB" $MemoryAllocated = $allocated.ToString() + " GB" $MemoryConsumed = $consumed.ToString() + " GB" $MemoryUsage = $usage.ToString() $hoststat.CPUMax = $CPUMax $hoststat.CPUAvg = $CPUAvg $hoststat.CPUMin = $CPUMin $hoststat.MemoryInstalled = $MemoryInstalled $hoststat.MemoryAllocated = $MemoryAllocated $hoststat.MemoryConsumed = $MemoryConsumed $hoststat.MemoryUsage = $MemoryUsage $allhosts += $hoststat } $allhosts | Select HostName, MemoryInstalled, MemoryAllocated, MemoryConsumed, MemoryUsage, CPUMax, CPUAvg, CPUMin | Export-Csv $scriptlocation\gather-host-perf-stats.csv -noTypeInformation #Get Datastore Usage and save to CSV Get-Datastore | Select Name,@{N="TotalSpaceGB";E={[Math]::Round(($_.ExtensionData.Summary.Capacity)/1GB,0)}},@{N="UsedSpaceGB";E={[Math]::Round(($_.ExtensionData.Summary.Capacity - $_.ExtensionData.Summary.FreeSpace)/1GB,0)}}, @{N="ProvisionedSpaceGB";E={[Math]::Round(($_.ExtensionData.Summary.Capacity - $_.ExtensionData.Summary.FreeSpace + $_.ExtensionData.Summary.Uncommitted)/1GB,0)}},@{N="NumVM";E={@($_ | Get-VM | where {$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"}).Count}} | Sort Name | Export-Csv $scriptlocation\gather-host-perf-stats-datastores.csv -noTypeInformation #Disconnect from current vCenter Disconnect-VIServer $vcenter -Confirm:$false
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