This quick how-to will show you how to make a bootable USB stick from a downloaded ISO file using an Apple Mac OS X. Note: this procedure requires an .img file that you will be required to create from the .iso file you download. TIP: Drag and Drop a file from Finder to Terminal to […]
Category: Apple
Mac OS X Mountain Lion: Enable and disable the root user
Apple’s KB article on how to setup the “root” user for OS X Mountain Lion. It’s very similar to “Lion”, but different 😉
Using Private Keys with SSH login Without Password on Mac OS X
Here’s an excellent write-up for setting up SSH access using private keys to connect to other Linux/Unix servers without having to enter a password. Copied here for reference. Tired of typing passwords to SSH servers you often access? Well get used to it! Passwords provide a high level of security, but but it have […]
Why Are More People Becoming Mac Fans?
I’m known at my job and with friends of being a Mac fan, which is true. It wasn’t always like that however. I’ve spent the majority of my IT career behind a keyboard of a PC (well, and a Linux machine when I was a Redhat Server Administrator) 😉 Customers and friends often ask why […]
Apps I use on my Mac
An awesome (updated) list of apps for the Mac, many that I use myself. Have a favorite app that’s not on the list? Leave it in our comments section!
iTunes 10 on Windows Server 2003 or Home Server
Wondering how to install iTunes 10 onto a Windows Home Server (which is based on Windows 2003)? I found this article very helpful and it worked for me!
How-To: Remove a deleted folder from Finder Sidebar on a Mac
I had a very stubborn folder that I had on my Finder sidebar, under “Favorites”, because the actual folder on the my Mac was deleted. Because the folder was deleted, I could not remove the “Favorite” by the normal right-click and “Remove from Sidebar” option. It was driving me crazy but a search lead me […]
Snow Leopard OS X 10.6.1 Released
A number of bug fixes and tweaks have been released in OS X 10.6.1 update, now available. A great write up on this update can be found here:
Scanning and Getting Things from Your iTunes iPhone Backup (Mac)
I was having some performance issues with my iPhone and I wanted to clear it out and did a “factory restore” from within iTunes and then just sync back my apps from iTunes. Well, that all went ok. I use Microsoft Exchange at work and I have my iPhone synced with my Exchange account, so […]
Making an ISO (Image) File from a CD/DVD on a Mac for Free
There are several ways to make an ISO (or an image) file from a CD/DVD but here is a FREE and pretty simple way to do so on your Mac. Yes it means using the command line “Terminal” on your Mac, sometimes a little “unknown” for some people, but I assure you it is quite […]